Mission Statement
Mothers Day March in Washington DC, May 8, 2011
Shawnee County Court House Mafia, 3rd Judicial District, Topeka, Kansas
Local Issues (Americans For Prosperity and Kansas Judges)Approximately about a month ago, Patriotic Thunder attended a Americans For Prosperity conference here in Wichita, Kansas. In attendance were many state and...
American Mothers Political Party
“And all your little Court Appointed Whores too. “ http://jilldykes.blogspot.com/
THE BATTERER AS PARENT-Silverman, Bancroft, Jaffee | Suing the Abuser Criminal Rewards | Judicial Abuse Understanding the Batterer In Custody Disputes | Gaurdian ad Litems-(Battered Mothers and children) |
You can chain me, you can torture me,you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind. –Gandhi (nor our children's)
New Web site rates Kansas Judges | Kansans For Judicial Accountability | Court Appointed Child Abuser |Kansas Family Court Reform Coalition
Sound of Silence: A Battered Mother Survives (original) Media Case Number 96D217
'It is 'just us' mommy, there is no one who will help us. '
Judge Joe Johnson Judge Jan Luenberger
Judge Richard D. Anderson Judge Larry Hendricks
Judge David Bruns Judge David Debenham
Judge Jean Scmidt Judge Nancy Parrish –Chief Judge
Blogger Labels: Shawnee,Court,House,Mafia,Judicial,District,Topeka,Kansas,Local,Americans,Judges,Patriotic,Thunder,conference,Wichita,attendance,American,Political,Whores,BATTERER,PARENT,Silverman,Bancroft,Jaffee,Abuser,Criminal,Rewards,Abuse,Custody,Gaurdian,Litems,children,Gandhi,rates,Kansans,Child,Reform,Coalition,Sound,Silence,Mother,Case,Number,Judge,Johnson,Luenberger,Richard,Anderson,Larry,Hendricks,David,Bruns,Debenham,Jean,Scmidt,Nancy,Parrish,Chief,Matthew,Dowd