Mission Statement
Mothers Day March in Washington DC, May 8, 2011
American Mothers Political Party- The Thunder Rolls Today 7/29/2010 at 5 PM Central
American Mothers Political Party BlogTalkRadio Show
The Thunder Rolls
American Mothers Political Party
Date / Time: 7/29/2010 5:00 PM Central 6:00 PM EST
Call-in Number: (347) 205-9977
Do you think that an abuser would never get custody of a child? Think again! Thousands of Mothers each year are losing custody to former abusers that also abuse children. How could this happen? Government funding in the form of Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives is part of it. This show we will continue to expose the criminals of the family court system, the federal government that funds it and the court whores that run it. Tune in for lively discussion, information and resources on how you can avoid the family court snake pit. If you are a Mother who is facing any of these challenges against your former abuser..this show is for YOU!
Hosted by: Lorraine Tipton and Claudine Dombrowski, Bloggers, Activists/Advocates for Mothers Rights, experts in domestic violence, family court corruption and custody disputes.
Two of the Founding Mothers of AMPP and soldiers in the trenches
WordPress Tags:American,Political,Thunder,Central,BlogTalkRadio,Date,Time,Call,Number,abuser,custody
This entry was posted on 10:41 AM
and is filed under
Abuse Deniers Rape of Justice
Abused Women in Maryland Aren’t Lying
Battered Mothers Abused Children Child Custody
Child Abuse
Coercive Control: How Men Entrap Women in Personal Life
Courts Awarding Custody to Abusers and Domestic Violence Homicides Is There a Connection?
Hague Convention
Human Rights Abusers Deniers
Maternal Deprivation
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence Battered Mothers Custody ConferenceBarrygoldstein.net
Parental Alienation Syndrome
Parental Alienation Syndrome is a SCAM
The National Fatherhood Initiative: Supporting a Misogynistic agenda
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