Mission Statement
Mothers Day March in Washington DC, May 8, 2011
Child Custody; joint custody; shared parenting; time-share KING SOLOMEN’S SOLUTION
Child Custody; joint custody; shared parenting; time-share
Child custody issues are interconnected with issues of maternity and pregnancy, primary caregiving, parental alienation, child development (education and attachment issues), father's rights, and other family law issues, as well as to issues involving forensic psychologists, guardians ad litem (GALs) and other mental health professionals in the family court system, so check related sections, including those on psychology for other relevant articles. NOTE: The LIZNOTES index page contains links to recommended off-site locations as well as the on-site articles. ALSO SEE, on this issue, the MYTHS AND FACTS pages.
Changing Custody in the Teen Years - why it's a bad idea by liz
"Child-centered Divorce" rant by liz
Joint Custody: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH
Joint Custody - Those Joint Custody Studies: Debunking the Claims by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH
Joint Custody: Recent Research by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH
Joint Custody: Yet More Research Shows It Does Not Work by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH
Joint Custody Studies: Debunking Bauserman's Meta-analysis by liz
Multiple Meanings of Equality: Case Study in Custody Litigation by Jane Gordon PDF SCHOLAR
Not Sharing but Equitable Distribution -- Like for Furniture! cartoon
Not "Two Homes" -- It's No Home cartoon
Presumptive Joint Custody: A Custodial Father Speaks Out by Derek Dahlsad
"Right of First Refusal" in Parenting Plans by liz PRACTITIONER ADVICE
Separating Siblings by G. Hochman, E. Feathers-Acuna, and A. Huston. SCHOLAR CITATIONS TO RESEARCH
Shared Parenting Failing in Australia CourierMail 11/08 RESEARCH PR
Suggestions for Noncustodial Parent Holiday Involvement by liz
What the Experts Say: Post-Divorce Parenting and Child Wellbeing by Diane N. Lye DOC SCHOLAR