from joeyisalittlekid

I really hope that Lexington, MO. Law Enforcement Follows this freek-zoid so close he gets hemorrhoids! 

The ONLY reason he posts this garbage and would spend 5 days prior to his Protection Order Hearing is to intimidate and harass. Just yet another of the already many violations of the current temporary orders to stay away.

Please go to full article the below are <snips>

Bully Bill Turns of the Heat With Intimidation, Judge Snooty Chimes in


The most important thing in America seems to be Bill stopping this restraining order against him.


This is where I will stand trial for allegedly buying a gun and threatening to use it on a group of people.

I'll be in Lexington, Missouri from April 4 to April 9.

<snip> I will film you along with everyone else as they protest on my behalf, because the first step in taking back our country starts with squashing a TRO in Lexington Missouri (I know, who would have thought).

Bill then goes on to not so subtlety intimidate Allie:

Lawless America I never threatened anyone. If there's any "evidence," it will be manufactured. I have a lot of exciting things in preparation....
Translation:  "just wait till you see what I have planned for you Allie"